Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Growing up

Savanna has adapted well to the house change and is loving the big space to discover her limits (and her mom's). She now can get from point A to point B in one of three ways:
1) rolling from tummy to back and over again
2) assuming "the crawl" pose and scooting her way to her destination (she's not quite to the "one knee in front of the other" concept...but she's getting there fast)
3) grunting and lifting her arms until Mommy or Daddy pick her up

She is growing up so fast! It seems like every few days she's mastered a new skill. Her latest is saying "ma ma." Well, she actually says "ma ma ma ma ma ma...", but I like to think she's saying "mama."

She has two cute teeth, can sit up all by herself, has a favorite toy (Ella the Elephant aka "Ella-Friend), chews on anything she can get her hands on, sleeps 10-11 hours at night, eats baby food like a champ and has a weird fetish with the cable remote control (seriously, it's only that one remote).

What's a post without a few great pictures to wrap it up? :)

Playing with Puppy

Sleeping so soundly

This girl LOVES strawberries!

Savanna's "Ella-Friend"

6 months and going strong!


Chris.Tarina.Kate.Lucy said...

I love that last picture of Savanna---so cute!